There are many ways to decrease our footprint, along with shopping for Eco products. Asking for paper instead of plastic at checkout is great, but carrying a reusable bag while you are out and about is even better! Yes, paper will biodegrade and you can reuse it for gift wrap, and carrying an entire bag around can be a hassle. But what is a little extra effort, when you can’t breathe because there are no trees to supply oxygen? Four billion trees are cut down wold wide every year for paper, and that is only 35% of the trees that are harvested. We are cutting down forests faster than we plant them. They say that our country was built on wood, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t over using it. So save a tree, bring a bag!
There are always the obvious, but important actions we can take to minimize our mark. Remember to recycle everything possible, walk or ride your bike to work, compost, use less and smile! A happy planet is a healthy place to live. Shopping local may not seem like one of the most important variables, but IT IS. Supporting local artists, designers and businesses helps a community thrive. Keeping the money in your area makes for a nicer healthier community to live in. As well as decreasing the length of travel a product must take helps in minimizing the footprint. Lets face it money talks and in this society we vote with our money and where we spend it.
We appreciate your continued support in this sustainable path we have taken. Let’s do what we can to contribute to a beautiful and healthy earth, together!
Much love to you all,
Emily Martin
a.ell atelier
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